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Connect with other adults at Calvary McAllen! We exist to make disciple-makers for the glory of God among the nations. A disciple is someone who strives to live all of life all for Jesus—taking captive every thought, attitude, and action—and submitting fully to the Lordship of Christ. Here at Calvary McAllen, we are committed to walking with God’s people in growth, care, and equipping them for the work of the ministry. Discipleship can happen in many different ways. We believe that the most effective way for a disciple to be formed is in the context of community—smaller groups of people committed to helping one another live all of life all for Jesus. We can’t wait to go on this journey with you!

Find your grow group,
find your community.

What are grow groups?

Grow Groups are the Hub of Disciple-Making at Calvary. Cultivating relationships between members by praying, supporting, and caring for each other.

What are the characteristics of a healthy grow group at Calvary?

  1. Fosters worship & prayer 
  2. Participatory Bible study 
  3. Relational community 
  4. Obedience-based vs information
  5. Open (welcoming) & ongoing
  6. Missional living

Paulo Gaitan
Pastor for Finance & Adult discipleship

Grow Groups

Our mission as a ministry is to call men into authentic manhood while on their journey to becoming more like Jesus; men who reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously, and expect the greater reward: God’s reward. Men, Welcome!



men & Women

We are women who grow by studying God’s Word, are in prayer, worshipping Him through intentional righteous living to become more like Jesus every day, bearing the fruit of a changed life evident by the presence of the Holy Spirit.




Guide Groups

Find your community.

What are grow groups?

Grow Groups are the Hub of Disciple-Making at CBC. Cultivating relationships between members by praying, supporting, & caring for one another.

  1. Fosters worship & prayer
  2. Participatory Bible study 
  3. Relational community 
  4. Obedience-based vs information
  5. Open (welcoming) & ongoing
  6. Missional living